The art of saving and making money can be found in everyday items, purchases and activities. And, here is another prime example, Prescriptions.
Prescription Drugs can be quite expensive. And, for anyone who needs to take medicine every month knows, the cost can really add up. But, there are ways for some families to save a bit or even earn extra money off of getting their prescriptions filled or refilled.
Many stores across the United States issue coupons offering incentives to transfer your prescriptions to them. What are some common examples? $10 Target Gift Card for a New or Transferred Prescription, $10 off purchase coupon for a transferred prescription to Meijer, $20 Kroger Credit to fill a prescription, $25 CVS Gift Card to transfer, $25 Walmart to transfer or $20 Rite Aid for a transferred. I have seen these all and more through the years.
ANYTIME you see one of these coupons, KEEP IT! Even if you don't have an ongoing prescription, you never know when you may need to get one filled. And, you want to have some on hand.
So, what are some pointers?
- If your doctor writes your prescription for a 3 month supply, simply ask the pharmacist to change it to a 1 mo supply, filled 3 times.
- Pick a pharmacy where you have a coupon and transfer your current prescription over. If a new prescription, make sure you use a coupon that states NEW prescriptions. Some will only take transferred. Not sure how to transfer a prescription? Simply take your empty bottle to the new drugstore and hand it to them. They do the rest.
- Always have a list of all DRUGS you are taking. The only real problem with transferring prescriptions is that your pharmacist does not have a record of all the medicines you currently take. Again, ALWAYS have a list of ALL medicines you take and make sure to give it to the pharmacist when you transfer.
- Fill your prescription and get your free money. This money is now defraying the cost of your prescription ( thus making it cheaper each month ) or earning you money ( my copay for ea. prescription is $5, so I make a profit everytime I get one filled )
- Next month, transfer it to a new location and make money again. Many drugstores will honor competitor coupons. So, if your current prescription is at Walgreens, and you only have a Walgreens coupon, what do you do? I take my Walgreens coupon and use it at CVS and have it transferred over. Check with your pharmacist to see if they coupon match.
Obviously, you can see how you save or earn money from these coupons and how beneficial they can be financially. But, again, if you take multiple medications, you may want to second guess this money maker. The risk of having multiple drugs at different pharmacies might not be worth the extra money.
What are some other suggestions? If you have a good insurance plan and you are a woman, consider taking prenatal vitamins instead of multi vitamins. Of course, check with your OB/GYN, to make sure this is OK for you.
Because I take prenatals ( even while not pregnant ), I now make between $5 and $25 each month on my vitamins. Before, I used to have to pay for over the counter. Why not earn money!
And, if you are running out of coupons, don't forget to check eBay for coupons being sold. My only word of advice? Make sure it is a hard copy coupon and not an electronic coupon. Many times coupons are altered online and can be fake or fraudulent. Also, check to make sure it can be used nationwide. Many Walgreens coupons can only be used at certain locations. Just as the seller.
Finally, check the sidebars on this webpage. If I find any Prescription coupons available, I will post them there for your use and information. Feel free to send me an email if you find a coupon in your area that I can share with others, too.
Hi Carrie,
New $25 Walgreens coupon. Posted and mentioned you. ;)
How are you making money on your vitamins?
Do you know how long you need to wait before you can use a coupon at a pharmacy you've already used? For example, if I use a coupon for a $25 GC at Rite Aid in Sept, then in Oct transfer my prescription to Walgreens, can I then transfer it back to Rite Aid in Nov and use a $25 GC coupon again? And if you do know the answer to this, does it vary by store? I'd appreciate any specific info you have from your own experience! So far I've made money every month from Rite Aid, CVS, Walgreens, Giant and Target. I'm running out of options for next month unless I duplicate a pharmacy! :)
I just redeemed two transfer's to Rite Aid and that coupon specified "not in the last six months."
I'm sorry. I meant to leave a link. This is the one that I just redeemed. $25 for each transfer.. two can be redeemed, one for each transfer.. expires 1/31/09
Not bad for $50!
Hi. Quick Question. My daughter has a monthly prescription that I've taken now to all the stores that I know that offer these coupons. She just recently, however, had to go see the specialist who had to write her a new script because her dosage was upped and her refills had run out -therefore, we needed a new script from her doctor. I know Walgreens is coming out with a new $25 card next week. Even though she has gotten her prescription from WAGS before, is this considered a new prescription since we have a new script from her doc? Or is it just seen as a refill? Thanks!
There is also a great new website called 'Medtipster' that enables you to locate low-cost, generic prescriptions from reputable pharmacies in your area. You just tell the site what medication you need, the dosage and your zip code and Medtipster will direct you to the least expensive retailer. It's a great tool to save money on medical/prescription search "Medtipster" and check it out.
How are you making money on your vitamins? i think it is Best Deals
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